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Busting 3 Common Myths About Collision Repairs

An auto collision is not an experience any of us particularly wants to deal with, but unfortunately, some drivers may find themselves in this situation at some point in their lives. It is a stressful experience with lots of things to think about including arranging auto collision repairs. That’s where things might get complicated because there are so many myths and misconceptions out there regarding collision repairs. 

Let’s take a moment to bust a few of the most common myths regarding auto collision repairs. 

1 – It’s Up to Your Insurance Provider Where You Get Your Collision Repairs

Many drivers believe it is down to their insurance provider to decide which body shop will handle...

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Main Causes of Collisions and How To Avoid Them

Getting into a collision can be an overwhelming experience, and definitely reminds us that driving cautiously is more important than anything else while operating a vehicle.

It’s important to note that most accidents are avoidable. The following are a few reasons why vehicle collisions occur and how to avoid them in the future.

Tired Drivers

Driving while tired is never recommended because you not only put yourself at risk, you put others at risk too. Your body instinctively wants to go to sleep while driving at night, which is why it’s a very dangerous time to be driving.

You will know your body is tired if your eyelids feel heavy, you start drifting lanes, or even hallucinate while...

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Car Cleaning Tips

For many vehicle owners the task of washing a car by hand is therapeutic and an act of pride. Many owners take great pride in the appearance of their vehicles, which in-turn may extend the lifespan of their vehicle. By washing a vehicle frequently it maintains the new-car finish for a longer period of time. While washing a vehicle may seem like a simple task, vacuum, wash with soap and rinse it off, it’s best to start from the inside and work your way out. The following are some tips so that you don’t accidentally scratch or ruin the finish of your vehicle.



Be sure to give your carpets and upholstery a good vacuuming to remove as much dirt and debris as possible. If you want to...

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What to Do After a Collision

Statistically, nearly everyone will be involved in some form of collision in their lifetime. Thankfully, most accidents that occur are minor and involve minimal injuries and auto body repair. Getting into a vehicle accident can be an overwhelming experience. However, having vehicle insurance in place, protects you from repair expenses to your vehicle and may cover you in case of injury.

If you get into a vehicle collision, there are a few things that can be done post-collision to ensure your safety and minimize stress during the insurance claim process, and ensure a seamless collision repair experience.


Move Your Vehicle

At the time of the collision; most drivers feel that it’s best to leave...

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Top Tips for Driving at Dusk

The Challenges of Driving During The Day or Night During the day, we might be blinded by the sun During the night, we might not see very well even if our vehicle's headlights are illuminating the path


The Challenges of Driving At Dusk

One time of day we don't think about is dusk. Unfortunately, dusk is a very difficult time to drive. Here are five top tips to drive at dusk:

1. Be aware of the quickly changing light conditions. One moment might be extremely sunny so we are forced to wear sunglasses, but within moments, the sun can darken and our sunglasses end up doing more harm than good. If we don't have sunglasses, be aware that the rapidly changing light conditions can be very difficult on our eyes (which...

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Unsafe Driving Excuses (and how to avoid making them)

Excuses That Have Stood The Test of Time!

As a child, were you ever caught doing something you know you shouldn't have been doing? In a desperate "last ditch effort" to get out of trouble, we fire up the same old lame excuses that have stood the test of time:

"I didn't know it... it was my sister!" "The dog ate my homework" "I'll do it tomorrow" Etc.

Popular Excuses People Use When Driving Unsafely

Unfortunately, we never outgrow the need to rely on excuses, and sometimes we feel forced to rely on grown-up versions of those excuses when we drive unsafely.

• "I didn't wear my seat belt because it was just a quick trip down the street". This can be easily avoided by always wearing your...

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Top Reasons To Be a Safer Driver

Everyone Can Agree That Safe Drivers Have Fewer Collisions

The problem is, we don't always remember to be safe when we are behind the wheel. Part of our human nature and trying to live in our busy and stressful culture means that we are rushing everywhere we go and we sometimes take risks that might not normally be taken.

There Is A Disconnect Between What We Say and What We Do

Not because we are necessarily hypocritical by nature, but when we are behind the wheel, we might be in a hurry and therefore have an "incentive" to rush and make riskier driving decisions.

One of the ways that you can be a safer driver, is to provide an incentive to be a safer driver. This needs to be greater than the...

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Avoiding Collisions By Playing the Numbers

The Best Ways To Avoid A Collision

Collisions are costly and can be avoided sometimes. One of the best ways to avoid a collision is to know what the most common reasons for a collision are and then drive in a way to eliminate or minimize those risks.

What Are The Top Causes of Vehicle Collisions?

If you want to drive safer and avoid more collisions, read this list and adjust your driving to reduce the risks around each of these accidents. Let's take the top five reasons and think about how your driving can change because of it:

Distracted driving. This one is easy. Put the coffee down. Put the iPhone down. Put the makeup kit down. Put the banana muffin down. Put both hands on the wheel and look straight ahead...
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The Four Personalities You Meet On The Road

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When driving, it's so easy to forget about the other drivers out there and just to focus on what our vehicle is doing and where we need to go. We share the road with many other people who are all hurtling down the asphalt in glass-and-steel contraptions at dangerously high speeds.

If you want to be a safer driver, be aware of the four kinds of personalities on the road

Chances are, you'll recognize yourself as one of these personalities and -- more importantly -- you'll spot these personalities among other drivers. Knowing how you and everyone else reacts can help you predict and avoid collisions.

The timid driver

The timid driver is the one who drives slower than the speed limit and sometimes brakes...

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Preparing for Winter Driving

Driving in Canada Means That We Are Sometimes Driving In The Worst Conditions Imaginable...

During the winter, Mother Nature throws a variety of collision-causing conditions at us -- icy roads, piles of vision-impairing snow banks, and whiteouts. With winter on its way, it's a good time to pause and remind ourselves how to drive in these conditions rather than wait for that first snowfall and crunch of a collision to jog our memory!

Be Prepared! Pack the appropriate gear in your vehicle (like survival gear for longer trips and salt or sand plus a shovel for in the city). If you never need it, great. But the one time you do need it will make it worthwhile. Winter driving requires extra time. Plan to leave...
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